Players: 136
Tournaments: 67
Games Played: 772
Total Appearances: 879
Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2024-12-29 19:32
Replays for Game #15199
13th February 2015, 19:00
Round 1
2015-02-13 20:02:33
2015-02-13 21:01:52
Show Turn Details
Players: as Seinfeld as The GhosT spleen17 starts turn [00:00:06.20] Skip Go iGhosT starts turn [00:00:24.34] BazookaDamage dealt: 53 spleen17 starts turn [00:00:47.78] Skip Go iGhosT starts turn [00:00:53.20] Skip Go spleen17 starts turn [00:00:59.12] Skip Go iGhosT starts turn [00:01:01.86] Skip Go spleen17 starts turn [00:01:03.92] Skip Go iGhosT starts turn [00:01:07.38] Skip Go spleen17 starts turn [00:01:09.44] Skip Go iGhosT starts turn [00:01:12.70] Skip Go spleen17 starts turn [00:01:15.98] Skip Go iGhosT starts turn [00:01:42.56] ArmageddonDamage dealt: 520 294 spleen17 starts turn [00:02:26.28] ArmageddonDamage dealt: 480 653
8.38 s 24.78 s |