Players: 136
Tournaments: 67
Games Played: 772
Total Appearances: 879
Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2024-12-22 07:22
Country Standings
= x (10|6|4) + x (6|4|2) + x (3|2|1) + ( / max(1, x 0.1)) - 1 x
: 10 points in 1vs1, 6 points in 2vs2, 4 points in 3vs3
: 6 points in 1vs1, 4 points in 2vs2, 2 points in 3vs3
: 3 points in 1vs1, 2 points in 2vs2, 1 point in 3vs3
: a maximum of 1 point for every won game (the more players, the less points)
: -1 point for missing replays after 2 days