Players: 136
Tournaments: 67
Games Played: 772
Total Appearances: 879
Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2025-02-05 12:58
Replays for Game #15142
14th February 2015, 20:00
Final Round
2015-02-14 22:44:31
Show Turn Details
Players: as Bin as 3-UP impo starts turn [00:00:07.74] Mole Bomb[00:00:24.16] Mole Bomb[00:00:29.24] Mole Bomb[00:00:37.98] Mole BombDamage dealt: 21 23 Incog starts turn [00:00:53.92] Ninja Rope[00:01:02.66] Pneumatic Drill[00:01:08.22] Blow Torch[00:01:14.30] Blow Torch[00:01:14.96] Blow Torch[00:01:19.54] Blow Torch[00:01:20.30] Blow Torch[00:01:32.18] Mole Bomb[00:01:36.78] Blow Torch[00:01:43.90] Mole BombDamage dealt: 17 84 132 impo starts turn [00:02:06.52] Blow Torch[00:02:07.14] Blow Torch[00:02:07.66] Blow Torch[00:02:08.26] Blow Torch[00:02:08.80] Blow Torch[00:02:09.44] Blow Torch[00:02:10.08] Blow Torch[00:02:10.50] Blow Torch[00:02:11.20] Blow Torch[00:02:12.38] Minigun[00:02:12.82] Minigun[00:02:13.14] Minigun[00:02:17.60] Ninja Rope[00:02:33.16] Ninja Rope[00:02:38.40] Ninja Rope[00:02:40.66] Mole Bomb[00:02:44.04] Mole Bomb[00:02:46.32] Mole Bomb[00:02:54.54] Mole Bomb[00:02:57.54] Mole Bomb[00:03:04.02] Mole Bomb[00:03:12.62] Ninja Rope[00:03:15.06] Homing PigeonDamage dealt: 9 532 50 Incog starts turn [00:03:42.02] Mole Bomb[00:03:49.76] Ninja Rope[00:03:54.64] Ninja Rope[00:04:01.28] Ninja Rope[00:04:07.94] Ninja Rope[00:04:13.96] Ninja Rope impo starts turn [00:04:28.00] Ninja Rope[00:04:45.62] Fast Walk[00:04:50.10] Ninja Rope[00:04:53.38] Ninja Rope[00:04:55.62] Ninja Rope[00:05:00.28] Ninja Rope[00:05:02.84] Mole BombDamage dealt: 102 96 38 12 Incog starts turn [00:05:20.96] Blow Torch[00:05:25.20] Ninja Rope[00:05:40.84] Mole Bomb[00:05:52.72] Mole Bomb[00:05:58.32] Ninja Rope[00:06:02.12] Pneumatic Drill[00:06:02.46] SheepDamage dealt: 227 197 47 30 103 70 impo starts turn [00:06:21.00] Ninja Rope[00:06:36.20] Ninja Rope[00:06:40.72] Ninja Rope[00:06:53.16] Mine[00:07:00.32] Mole Bomb[00:07:07.64] Dynamite[00:07:17.16] Mole Bomb[00:07:20.04] Mole Bomb[00:07:22.84] Mole Bomb[00:07:36.32] Skunk[00:07:42.80] Homing MissileDamage dealt: 352 229 18 95 219 Incog starts turn [00:08:12.26] Ninja Rope[00:08:36.24] Homing Missile[00:08:41.06] SheepDamage dealt: 92 764 354 1081 99 impo starts turn [00:09:26.56] Ninja Rope[00:09:30.58] Ninja Rope[00:09:41.88] Mole Bomb[00:09:44.10] Mole Bomb[00:10:03.00] BazookaDamage dealt: 116 103 Incog starts turn [00:10:28.52] Ninja Rope[00:10:29.46] Ninja Rope[00:10:43.90] Ninja Rope[00:10:57.46] Aqua Sheep[00:11:09.86] Patsy's Magic BulletDamage dealt: 16 7 257 impo starts turn [00:11:23.26] Ninja Rope[00:11:31.22] Blow Torch[00:11:34.74] Minigun[00:11:35.26] Minigun[00:11:37.16] Ninja Rope[00:11:40.62] Minigun[00:11:42.64] Ninja Rope[00:11:49.20] Minigun[00:11:53.14] Blow Torch[00:11:57.58] Ninja Rope[00:12:01.52] Minigun[00:12:03.94] Minigun[00:12:06.36] Ninja Rope[00:12:10.84] Blow Torch[00:12:12.44] Ninja RopeDamage dealt: 6 Incog starts turn [00:12:43.24] Blow Torch[00:12:49.10] Ninja Rope[00:13:06.06] Mole Bomb[00:13:21.82] SheepDamage dealt: 113 135 42 210 impo starts turn [00:13:57.64] Parachute[00:14:01.98] Parachute[00:14:04.46] Parachute[00:14:05.34] Parachute[00:14:06.16] Parachute[00:14:12.30] Ninja Rope[00:14:23.04] Uzi[00:14:27.50] Ninja Rope[00:14:27.90] Ninja Rope[00:14:29.80] Ninja Rope[00:14:35.16] Mole Bomb[00:14:38.66] Mole Bomb[00:14:41.06] Mole Bomb[00:14:43.06] Mole Bomb[00:14:45.52] Mole Bomb[00:14:48.48] Mole Bomb[00:14:52.08] Mole Bomb[00:14:58.36] Mine[00:15:00.82] Mole Bomb[00:15:02.94] Mole Bomb[00:15:08.36] Mole BombDamage dealt: 1015 198 1038 288 187 102 Incog starts turn [00:15:55.18] Jet Pack[00:15:59.94] Mine[00:16:25.14] Blow Torch[00:16:33.12] Pneumatic Drill[00:16:42.24] Ninja Rope[00:16:46.58] Mortar[00:16:49.50] SheepDamage dealt: 91 268 100 impo starts turn [00:17:18.62] Ninja Rope[00:17:31.94] Ninja Rope[00:17:38.00] Handgun[00:17:41.64] Ninja Rope[00:17:47.82] Mole Bomb[00:17:59.14] Mole Bomb[00:18:01.78] Mole BombDamage dealt: 30 68 Incog starts turn [00:18:29.06] Blow Torch[00:18:40.16] Fast Walk[00:18:42.28] Blow Torch[00:18:50.64] Ninja Rope[00:18:53.58] Priceless Ming Vase[00:19:08.42] Aqua SheepDamage dealt: 11 215 68 318 impo starts turn [00:19:28.80] Ninja Rope[00:19:34.94] Ninja Rope[00:19:50.26] Ninja Rope[00:20:00.20] Mole Bomb[00:20:10.54] Ninja Rope[00:20:12.30] SheepDamage dealt: 266 714 272 60 590 240 Incog starts turn [00:21:06.16] Mole Bomb[00:21:21.82] Ninja Rope[00:21:27.22] Ninja Rope[00:21:31.90] Aqua Sheep[00:21:40.62] Blow TorchDamage dealt: 169 348 206 231 impo starts turn [00:22:18.62] Jet Pack[00:23:03.50] Cluster Bomb[00:23:03.66] Cluster Bomb[00:23:03.80] Cluster Bomb[00:23:27.40] MineDamage dealt: 283 119 128 175 Incog starts turn [00:24:19.16] Jet Pack[00:24:58.12] Pneumatic Drill impo starts turn [00:25:13.72] Jet Pack[00:25:21.82] Sheep[00:25:39.86] Sheep[00:25:49.50] Mole Bomb[00:25:56.32] GrenadeDamage dealt: 324 169 303 Incog starts turn [00:26:47.48] Teleport[00:26:50.84] Fast Walk[00:26:54.06] Blow Torch[00:27:03.42] Low Gravity[00:27:08.22] Banana BombDamage dealt: 144 26 318 318 678 impo starts turn [00:27:56.76] Jet Pack[00:28:13.02] Grenade[00:28:23.58] Grenade[00:28:31.34] Holy Hand-Grenade[00:28:42.54] Mad Cow[00:28:46.24] Mad Cow[00:28:51.56] Mad Cow[00:28:56.22] Mad Cow[00:29:06.22] Mad CowDamage dealt: 151 562 210 268 Incog starts turn [00:30:08.96] Mole Bomb[00:30:16.32] Blow Torch[00:30:19.62] Jet Pack[00:30:27.64] Scales of Justice[00:30:37.26] Battle Axe[00:30:45.08] UziDamage dealt: 68 2399 2476 2364 impo starts turn [00:31:25.50] Teleport[00:31:29.10] Jet Pack[00:31:45.02] Mad Cow[00:31:50.64] Mad CowDamage dealt: 438 14 Incog starts turn [00:32:31.72] Pneumatic Drill[00:32:37.92] Pneumatic Drill[00:32:45.52] Blow Torch[00:32:48.64] Ninja Rope[00:32:57.28] Aqua Sheep[00:33:03.66] Bazooka[00:33:10.54] Aqua Sheep[00:33:17.74] SheepDamage dealt: 10 269 307 impo starts turn [00:33:37.08] Jet Pack[00:33:46.26] Grenade[00:33:56.62] Grenade[00:34:28.88] Grenade[00:34:43.84] Priceless Ming Vase[00:34:56.88] Cluster Bomb[00:34:57.04] Cluster Bomb[00:34:57.16] Cluster Bomb[00:34:57.32] Cluster Bomb[00:34:57.46] Cluster Bomb[00:34:58.04] Cluster BombDamage dealt: 363 263 84 22 Incog starts turn [00:35:36.14] Teleport[00:35:40.62] Jet Pack[00:36:02.94] Aqua Sheep[00:36:16.80] Petrol BombDamage dealt: 235 impo starts turn [00:36:36.64] Ninja Rope[00:36:46.52] Dragon Ball[00:36:54.04] Blow Torch[00:36:55.74] Blow Torch[00:37:00.64] Aqua SheepDamage dealt: 224 98 18 Incog starts turn [00:37:27.60] Jet Pack[00:37:54.16] Dynamite[00:38:03.94] Banana BombDamage dealt: 1182 1028 91 187 2158 460 impo starts turn [00:39:10.00] Teleport[00:39:17.26] Ninja Rope[00:39:28.94] Blow Torch[00:39:29.32] Blow Torch[00:39:30.32] Blow Torch[00:39:30.72] Blow Torch[00:39:34.18] Handgun[00:39:40.18] Aqua SheepDamage dealt: 288 202 Incog starts turn [00:40:13.30] Longbow[00:40:40.52] Longbow[00:41:03.78] Girder[00:41:06.62] Girder[00:41:09.44] GirderDamage dealt: 25 9 17 50 impo starts turn [00:41:34.98] Sheep[00:41:42.66] DynamiteDamage dealt: 2 452 582 222 296 Incog starts turn [00:42:43.94] Battle Axe[00:43:01.76] Uzi[00:43:05.58] Sheep Launcher[00:43:27.36] Longbow[00:43:51.96] Longbow[00:43:57.44] Girder[00:44:00.48] Girder[00:44:01.92] GirderDamage dealt: 1227 impo starts turn [00:44:14.96] Blow Torch[00:44:24.80] Petrol Bomb[00:44:30.38] Teleport[00:44:35.88] Battle Axe[00:44:39.08] Dragon Ball[00:44:47.78] Ninja RopeDamage dealt: 3 1231 Incog starts turn [00:45:21.40] Pneumatic Drill[00:45:25.26] Jet Pack[00:45:44.94] Battle Axe[00:45:53.66] Uzi[00:45:58.58] Aqua Sheep[00:46:05.66] Patsy's Magic BulletDamage dealt: 1901 impo starts turn [00:46:27.60] Aqua Sheep[00:46:51.80] Fast Walk[00:47:02.64] Uzi[00:47:13.74] Handgun[00:47:26.76] Battle Axe[00:47:41.50] Mad Cow[00:47:53.48] Aqua SheepDamage dealt: 276 222 323 Incog starts turn [00:48:32.82] Jet Pack[00:48:42.72] Aqua Sheep[00:48:52.80] Aqua Sheep[00:49:07.90] GrenadeDamage dealt: 394 547 impo starts turn [00:49:29.64] Jet Pack[00:49:37.74] Priceless Ming Vase[00:49:44.96] Mole Bomb[00:49:47.60] Mole BombDamage dealt: 110 240 Incog starts turn [00:50:39.78] SheepDamage dealt: 64 486 impo starts turn [00:51:02.18] Jet Pack[00:51:21.88] Aqua Sheep[00:51:37.08] Aqua SheepDamage dealt: 211 190 Incog starts turn [00:52:10.30] Ninja Rope[00:52:27.72] Jet Pack[00:52:39.20] SheepDamage dealt: 132 532 impo starts turn [00:53:01.76] Jet Pack[00:53:16.50] Sheep[00:53:31.96] Old Woman[00:53:38.14] Old Woman[00:53:42.24] Mine[00:53:49.84] Priceless Ming Vase[00:54:08.28] Girder[00:54:09.04] Girder[00:54:10.40] Girder[00:54:12.58] Banana BombDamage dealt: 1043 186 Incog starts turn [00:54:46.44] Ninja Rope[00:54:47.26] Ninja Rope[00:55:00.58] Girder[00:55:22.22] Fast Walk[00:55:35.40] Girder Starter-Pack[00:55:36.20] Girder Starter-Pack[00:55:38.48] Girder Starter-Pack[00:55:41.06] Girder Starter-Pack[00:55:42.12] Girder Starter-Pack[00:55:42.94] Girder Starter-Pack[00:55:43.62] Girder Starter-Pack[00:55:45.12] Girder Starter-Pack[00:55:46.78] Girder Starter-Pack[00:55:48.70] Girder Starter-Pack[00:55:51.40] Girder[00:55:52.58] Girder[00:55:53.46] Girder[00:55:54.76] Girder[00:55:56.98] Girder[00:55:58.94] Girder[00:55:59.72] Girder[00:56:00.64] Girder[00:56:04.68] Low Gravity[00:56:21.48] Low Gravity[00:56:23.08] Banana Bomb[00:56:25.86] Teleport[00:56:44.92] Mad CowDamage dealt: 6 impo starts turn [00:55:22.22] Fast Walk[00:55:35.40] Girder Starter-Pack[00:55:36.20] Girder Starter-Pack[00:55:38.48] Girder Starter-Pack[00:55:41.06] Girder Starter-Pack[00:55:42.12] Girder Starter-Pack[00:55:42.94] Girder Starter-Pack[00:55:43.62] Girder Starter-Pack[00:55:45.12] Girder Starter-Pack[00:55:46.78] Girder Starter-Pack[00:55:48.70] Girder Starter-Pack[00:55:51.40] Girder[00:55:52.58] Girder[00:55:53.46] Girder[00:55:54.76] Girder[00:55:56.98] Girder[00:55:58.94] Girder[00:55:59.72] Girder[00:56:00.64] Girder[00:56:04.68] Low Gravity[00:56:21.48] Low Gravity[00:56:23.08] Banana Bomb[00:56:25.86] Teleport[00:56:44.92] Mad CowDamage dealt: 308 110
374.98 s 673.50 s |